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  • 1 Post By MADriD

Téma: Király rake race, király iPoker termek

  1. #1
    Fáradhatatlan grinder
    2011. 04. 17.

    Alapbeállítás Király rake race, király iPoker termek


    Július 6.dikán kitiltottak Everest pokerről, mivel elhagyták a szlovák piacot.
    Júniusi rake racen 75$ értem el, amit azóta sem hajlandóak kifizetni
    Ha megírnák, hogy "beszoptad haver ez van" még el is fogadnám, de amit ez az elmebeteg support művel, hát nem normális.
    Július 5.dikén írtam nekik először, mivel még nem érkezett meg a rakerace pénz.
    I was a Slovakian player, and now i Can't sign in to my account.(I know that you left the market)
    On the I earned $75.I heaven't recieved this yet.Could you please transfer it to my skrill account?

    Vették a fáradtságot és 15.dikén válaszoltak:

    Please be advised that on your account there aro no funds anymore. Slovakian market is closed.The screen shot you sent to us is not from our poker software and it is not our website.Apologise for any inconvenience

    7.-dike körül a pokerakademiának is írtam, hogy kérdezzék meg őket a dologról.Nekik azóta sem válaszoltak.

    Írtam nekik újra:
    Two weeks ago I have contacted you, then you didn't see anything on my account, I think because the money from haven't arrived till then. Please be so kind and if it is possible could you check my account again, because this 75$ should have arrived since then, and could you please transfer it to my skrill account manually.

    Erre ők:
    We are sorry inform that as explained on our previous email of 06/07/2017 all the bonus, tokens or other sort of promotions would be removed from your account as soon as we close out operations on your country of origin.
    Being the last information we have regarding a General €75 Ticket token.

    Ezután írtam még 1 mailt amit 3x elküldtem nekik más-más időpontokban, hátha megkapja olyan supportos aki el tudja végezni a munkáját:

    I had already sent you some e-mails, regarding my case, but until now I haven´t received any relevant answer. Because of this now I am summarizing it for you, hopefully now you will be able to forward it to the right place:

    I have written to you, that I was a Slovakian player, and now i can't sign in to my account.(I know that you left the market)
    On the I earned $75 in June. I heaven't recieved this yet. Could you please transfer it to my skrill account?

    For this you have answered me, that there are no funds on my account-

    I can't understand, that the support, which had answered me more times, why doesn't know that Everest Poker is the partner of

    Please send my problem forward to somebody, who knows that Everest Poker is the partner of

    Also I am sending you a screenshot, which I have made now, where there are written next to my nickname the $75.

    Also because for me your site is unavialable, please send me the telephone number and e-mail address of your Gaming Authority (or Licence Authority)

    Jött is 3 válasz:
    1. Utánanézünk.
    2.The last WD from your account was 26/06/2017 21:02:46 Withdrawal -162.45,-EUR

    Your balance is now 1.00,-EUR
    3. Szerintem a legvicesebb:We regret to inform you that due to particular gaming rules and legislation, we cannot accept any players from your country any longer. We thank you for showing interest in our products and services, and wish you all the best for your future endeavours.

    Screenshotot küldtem nekik a oldalról ahol még most is ott van a nickemnél a 75$

    Minden levelükben ott van,hogy vegyem fel a kapcsolatot a live chattel, kár hogy nem elérhető már az oldaluk szlovákiából.
    Ilyen termek miatt lesz a PS örökre piacvezető.

  2. #2
    Adminisztrátor Admin avatara
    2007. 03. 21.
    World Wide Web


    Idézet torzon eredeti hozzászólása Hozzászólás megtekintése

    Július 6.dikán kitiltottak Everest pokerről, mivel elhagyták a szlovák piacot.
    Júniusi rake racen 75$ értem el, amit azóta sem hajlandóak kifizetni
    Ha megírnák, hogy "beszoptad haver ez van" még el is fogadnám, de amit ez az elmebeteg support művel, hát nem normális.
    Július 5.dikén írtam nekik először, mivel még nem érkezett meg a rakerace pénz.
    I was a Slovakian player, and now i Can't sign in to my account.(I know that you left the market)
    On the I earned $75.I heaven't recieved this yet.Could you please transfer it to my skrill account?

    Vették a fáradtságot és 15.dikén válaszoltak:

    Please be advised that on your account there aro no funds anymore. Slovakian market is closed.The screen shot you sent to us is not from our poker software and it is not our website.Apologise for any inconvenience

    7.-dike körül a pokerakademiának is írtam, hogy kérdezzék meg őket a dologról.Nekik azóta sem válaszoltak.

    Írtam nekik újra:
    Two weeks ago I have contacted you, then you didn't see anything on my account, I think because the money from haven't arrived till then. Please be so kind and if it is possible could you check my account again, because this 75$ should have arrived since then, and could you please transfer it to my skrill account manually.

    Erre ők:
    We are sorry inform that as explained on our previous email of 06/07/2017 all the bonus, tokens or other sort of promotions would be removed from your account as soon as we close out operations on your country of origin.
    Being the last information we have regarding a General €75 Ticket token.

    Ezután írtam még 1 mailt amit 3x elküldtem nekik más-más időpontokban, hátha megkapja olyan supportos aki el tudja végezni a munkáját:

    I had already sent you some e-mails, regarding my case, but until now I haven´t received any relevant answer. Because of this now I am summarizing it for you, hopefully now you will be able to forward it to the right place:

    I have written to you, that I was a Slovakian player, and now i can't sign in to my account.(I know that you left the market)
    On the I earned $75 in June. I heaven't recieved this yet. Could you please transfer it to my skrill account?

    For this you have answered me, that there are no funds on my account-

    I can't understand, that the support, which had answered me more times, why doesn't know that Everest Poker is the partner of

    Please send my problem forward to somebody, who knows that Everest Poker is the partner of

    Also I am sending you a screenshot, which I have made now, where there are written next to my nickname the $75.

    Also because for me your site is unavialable, please send me the telephone number and e-mail address of your Gaming Authority (or Licence Authority)

    Jött is 3 válasz:
    1. Utánanézünk.
    2.The last WD from your account was 26/06/2017 21:02:46 Withdrawal -162.45,-EUR

    Your balance is now 1.00,-EUR
    3. Szerintem a legvicesebb:We regret to inform you that due to particular gaming rules and legislation, we cannot accept any players from your country any longer. We thank you for showing interest in our products and services, and wish you all the best for your future endeavours.

    Screenshotot küldtem nekik a oldalról ahol még most is ott van a nickemnél a 75$

    Minden levelükben ott van,hogy vegyem fel a kapcsolatot a live chattel, kár hogy nem elérhető már az oldaluk szlovákiából.
    Ilyen termek miatt lesz a PS örökre piacvezető.

    Sajnos az affiliate promóciók esetében a termek ügyfélszolgálata rendszerint nem szokott tudni segíteni, ezért ilyenkor érdemes mindig velünk felvenni a kapcsolatot.

    Ezt te meg is tetted, és mi próbálunk is segíteni, de sajon úgy néz ki, hogy az Everest-nek ez hosszabb ideig fog tartani. Mi annyit tudunk segíteni, hogy próbáljuk megsürgetni őket, hogy minél hamarabb segítséget kapjuk tőlük.

  3. #3
    Fanatikus tag
    2009. 11. 17.


    Csalódtam amikor végigolvastam a topikot, mert a cím alapján azt hittem, hogy valamilyen Király Gabis promó lesz
    csiga19794 likes this.

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